Text Box: Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "Victor Babes"

Centrul de Modelare a Sistemelor Biologice si Analiza Datelor a fost infiintat in 2005, este un Centru de Cercetare tip C acreditat CNCSIS certificat nr. 98.

Obiectivul principal este abordarea multidisciplinara a proceselor biologice, pornind de la analiza mecanismelor fuctionale ale fenomenelor din materia vie, constructia modelelor si simularea pe calculator in scop predictiv.


p53; Computational modelling; Medical data mining;

CMSBAD isi propune sa se afilieze Consortiului European Virtual Physiological Human, cu un bogat program de cercetare pe perioada 2008 - 2013.


Director: Prof. Univ. Dr. Gheorghe I Mihalas,

Contact: Prof. Univ. Dr. Adrian Neagu

University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara
Department of Medical Informatics
P-ta E Murgu 2, 300041-Timisoara, Romania

Splaiul Tudor Vladimirescu 14, 300173 -Timisoara, Romania

To contact us:

Department of Biophysics and Medical Informatics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Piata Eftimie Murgu, nr. 3, 300041 Timiºoara, RomaniaTimisoara, CMSBADSpecific activator and repressor transcription factors which bind to specific regulator DNA sequences, play an important role in gene activity control. Interactions between genes coding such transcription factors should explain the different stable or sometimes oscillatory gene activities characteristic for different tissues. Starting with the model P53-MDM2 described into [Mihalas GI, Simon Z, Balea G, Popa E. Possible oscillatory behaviour in P53-MDM2 interaction computer simulation. J Biol Syst 2000;8(1):21–9] and the process described into [Kohn KW, Pommier Y. Molecular interaction map of P53 and MDM2 logic elements, which control the off–on switch of P53 in response to DNA damage. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2005;331:816–27] we enveloped a new model of this interaction. Choosing the delay as a bifurcation parameter we study the direction and stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions. Some numerical examples are finally given for justifying the theoretical results.Noveanu L, Muntean C, Kigyosi A, Georgeta Mihalaº CMSBADCentrul de Modelare a Sistemelor Biologice si Analiza Datelor


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