Text Box: "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara


Strategic objectives:

Participation in a FP7 Consortium for Virtual Physiological Human

Collaboration with similar teams

Co-operation in scientific projects


Scientific objectives:

Elaborate mathematical models for biological systems relevant to human physiology and cell biology

Develop computer software for simulations based on mathematical models of biological processes

Process experimental data for model validation

Analyze medical data and apply information technology in health care

Conduct research projects in national and international collaboration



Medical Informatics Group

Biophysiscs Group

Physiology Group


Organized Events:

Workshop MIE 96: Modeling and Simulation of Biological Processes, Copenhagen, August, 1996

National Medical Informatics Conference MEDINF 2002: Trends in Romanian e-Health, June 13-15,2002, Timisoara Romania.

STC2006 & Romedinf - EFMI Special Topic Conferences: Integrating Biomedical Information: from eCell to ePacient - April 6 - 8, 2006, Timisoara, Romania.



Grant MCT 1997/1998 Modelarea matematica si simularea pe calculator a reglajului genetic cu gene interrelate

Grant VIASAN 312/2004: BIOVIEW - program package for biological systems simulation with dedicated interface.

FP6 IST Programme nr. 027370/2005: QREC - European Quality Labeling and Certification of Electronic Health Record systems (EHRs)

Grant CEEX 11/2005: NANOSIM - Transport and structure formation at the micro/nanometer length scale in biomedicine and materials science.

Grant CEEX 2006: MaternQual - Integrated information system for evaluating the factors associated with risk prediction and quality in obstetrics.

Department of Biophysics and Medical Informatics, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Piata Eftimie Murgu, nr. 3, 300041 Timišoara, RomaniaNoveanu L, Muntean C, Kigyosi A, Georgeta Mihalaš CMSBADCenter for Modeling Biological Systems and Data Analysis

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